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Our most popular Elliott Wave Trader’s Classroom – Gives you practical hands-on instruction on Elliott wave trading setups from the world’s top Elliott instructors for just $97/mo.

3 times a week, our team brings you a short video lesson. You see real markets and trading tips — and have access to a live webinar once a month and our Trader’s Classroom library where you can quickly find older video lessons to help you get up to speed fast.

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For Prospective Professionals:

Become a Certified Elliott Wave Analyst

The Certified Elliott Wave Analyst (CEWA) program is the most comprehensive and rigorous assessment process of its kind. If you are an individual interested in certifying your Elliott wave knowledge or desire the credentials for working as a trader or analyst in the field of technical analysis, CEWA is for you. With rigorous testing and third-party scoring, CEWA and CEWA-M certifications are the ultimate accreditation of Elliott wave proficiency.

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