Promotional Videos & Articles

Here’s the Connection Between British Stocks and the Band “Oasis”

Why did the Gallagher brothers of the British band “Oasis” just reconcile? Here’s a clue: The likely reason is related to the same pervasive force which brought about their split back in 2009. Our Global Rates & Money Flows provides interesting insights.

What to Expect Next for Gold ETFs

The mainstream media are monitoring “fundamentals” like inflation data and the possibility of central bank rate cuts for clues about the direction of gold’s price. EWI focuses on the patterns of investor psychology. Here’s what to expect next for Gold ETFs.

See the Chart of an “Unlikely” Bullish ETF

The “fundamentals” said a rally wasn’t possible – yet we trusted the contrary bullish Elliott wave pattern. This excerpt comes from the September 2024 Global Market Perspective.

Did You Dodge the Tech Wreck?

Many investors thought there was no end to the upward rise in technology stocks. That type of mindset can be hazardous to portfolios, as we have been seeing. Now, it’s time to learn what we expect next for the entire stock market.

Must-See Update on Manias Past and Present

Financial manias become clear with hindsight. Yet, when they are in full force, many investors do not see them as “manias,” as in, “it’s different this time.” Here’s a perspective on financial manias past and present.

Preview of What’s Ahead for U.S. Real Estate

There’s a U.S. real estate indicator of which most investors and would-be home buyers and sellers may not be aware. Here’s a sneak peak of what’s likely just around the corner for the U.S. housing market.

Is Your Bank Headed for Trouble?

The check is in the mail -or is it? Here’s one way to anticipate a bank’s woes before they become frontpage news.

Why We’re Closely Watching Europe’s Junk Bond Market

Even if you’re not an investor in high yield “junk” bonds, you would do well to keep an eye on this market. Our Global Market Perspective explains why.

How Deflation is Becoming Worrisome in Europe

Monetary and economic observers discuss inflation far more frequently than deflation. Yet, that may soon change. Here’s how deflation is showing up in six key indexes in Britain and across Europe.

Around the World with Elliott Waves

Around the World with Elliott Waves

Our Head of Global Research, Murray Gunn, compares the meager long-term trend in major global equity markets, versus the rising stand-alone trend of U.S. stock indexes in this recent Money Show presentation (Filmed on August 22, 2024). Global markets are going through a period of dramatic change. See how you can identify exciting opportunities across asset classes with the Elliott Wave Principle.

Here’s the Most Important Economic Variable on the Planet

The jobs market sends a major signal about the U.S. economy. Here are important insights from our Global Rates & Money Flows.

Once More into the Breach… The Cyber Breach. What the Hack Is Going on?

The recent 5-day long cyberattack on the Seattle-Tacoma airport has “no timeline” for a resolution. It’s but one in a record-breaking string of data security breaches costing companies across the globe billions. Why do these attacks keep happening? Our answer is rooted in understanding how social mood shapes society’s trends.

Watch This Groundbreaking Elliott Wave Engine in Action

EWAVES is the world’s most advanced Elliott wave pattern recognition engine. Watch Elliott Wave International’s Flash services’ editor show you how the software handled two recent price junctures: in Hershey Co. (HSY) and L3 Harris Technologies (LHX).

Tech Stock Volatility: Now It ‘Gets Real’ in Europe

What’s a clear sign of a coming trend change? High volatility. See the chart showing that high volatility in tech stocks is spreading to equity markets world-wide.

What the “Supply Malaise” in Pending Home Sales Looks Like

Several recent housing market trends look weak indeed – Pending Home Sales most of all. A simple glance at the chart makes this obvious. See that chart and our commentary for what’s next.

Want to Know What’s Next for the Economy? Keep Your Eye on Lumber’s Price Trend

Economic downtrends don’t come out of nowhere. Early warning signs tell you a lot, if you know where to look. You can see and read a “case in point” in our chart and commentary for lumber.

Why We Tip Our Hat to Warren Buffett

Pay attention to what famed investor Warren Buffett has been doing lately. We were pleasantly surprised. Get the details, plus learn what EWI has been steadfastly recommending.

Coins, Cars, Sneakers, NFTs and Other Collectibles: 3 Signs Point in One Direction

A mania in the collectibles market was evident in much of 2021 and early 2022. We offered warnings that the red-hot enthusiasm for rarities would fizzle out. Here’s an update.

Why Stock-Market Success Is Usually Only Temporary

Investor psychology never changes. During every market cycle, the crowd is positioned on the wrong side at major price turns. Learn why. Plus, get insights into investors’ current behavior.

United Kingdom: How Government Worsens Financial Conditions

The government is usually the last entity to act on a trend – when it’s far too late. More than that, instead of solving a nation’s problems, its actions often make them worse. Average citizens pay the price – directly from their pocketbooks. Here’s how that’s happening in Britain.

Inverted Yield Curve: Is A Return to “Normal” Good for the Economy?

The closely-watched yield curve has been inverted for a record two-plus years. Now it’s about to return to normal, which is good … right? Well, not so fast: Our answer to the “normal is good” question comes from the chart you need to see right now, with analyst Brian Whitmer’s insights.

Gold Prices: The Calm Before a Record Run

See the indicator we used to help forecast gold’s powerful advance to record highs.

United Kingdom: How a Former Financial Empire is Losing Its Mojo

A major global financial hub shows signs of slipping into a slump. By one measure, no net progress has occurred since 2021. A significant decline in another measure dates back farther. Here are the details.

The U.S. Economy:

The U.S. Economy: “Swimming” … or “About to Sink”?

For months we’ve all read unanimously positive news about the economy. But Peter Kendall, EWI"s Chief Analyst for U.S. Markets, explains that it is dangerous indeed to be "swimming in an ocean of superlatives." Just beneath the surface, financial and economic risks have sharply increased – the truth is, a strong indicator like unemployment has been rising for 14 months. Kendall also says the August Elliott Wave Financial Forecast shows that the "long topping process" in stocks is directly related to the unfolding reversal in the U.S. economy.

Market Turmoil: Why Is Liquidity Drying Up?

EWI’s Brian Whitmer answers the question in the headline, after he de-bunks the media’s “explanations” for recent market turmoil. Headlines offer chatter about “yen carry trade,” “Buffett’s Cash Hoard,” and the “Sahm Rule” – but as always, these notions are symptoms and not causes of vanishing liquidity. See the charts and listen to Brian’s singular perspective for yourself.

How “Buy the Dip” Can Go Horribly Wrong

Pervasive optimistic psychology is prompting many investors to “buy the dip” as much as ever. However, buying the dip does not always work out as anticipated. Here are two cases in point.

See Our S&P 500 Chart and Forecast from Before the Big Decline

See for yourself why our subscribers were not surprised when the trend in the S&P 500 turned down.

Lovin’ That Leverage: Insights into Current Investor Psychology

Today’s market participants are ramping up their use of leverage. One group of retail investors has already paid dearly. Yet, overall, optimistic psychology has been in charge. This chart shows that many investors are “almost as loaded up for bull as ever.”

‘Textbook Pattern’ in XRP: See How We Alerted Crypto Subscribers to a Reversal & Major Rally

This Chart of the Day video breaks down the timely forecasts we showed Crypto Pro Service subscribers ahead of the reversal and rally in XRP. See how it played out in real time.

What Lumber Prices Tell Us About U.S. Residential Real Estate 

U.S. home construction recently fell to its slowest rate in four years. Learn what this has to do with lumber prices and what lumber prices tell us about the prospects for the U.S. housing market.